
Ananda Vardhini Kali

 Ananda Vardhini Kali is the original form of Ma Kalika because Mahakali the tamas form of Kalika was invoked for a specific purpose of annihilating Raktabeeja daitya. After the daityas was killed, she had to come back to her original form because she cannot always be in the state of destruction. Her main form is rajasic. She can also be called as Ananada Bhairavi or the consort of Ananda Bhairava. She is the goddess that multiplies the bliss in her sadhaka. She is also the supreme goddess of the left hand path of tantra.  Please check her kaulapedia page for further information.

Science vs Spiritualism debate.

Let me explain something today which is one of the most discussed topics in the internet forum i.e. Science vs Spiritualism debate? One of the debates that we mostly get to read in the internet is 'if science and spiritualism' should be merged or if spiritualism should be explained from the perspective of science or if spiritualism can be validated from science? To answer this few questions, let me first introduce you to all the above mentioned topics. 1) Science is an english word derived from 'scientia' which basically means knowledge. So what is the source of knowledge of science? Empiricism is the source of knowledge of science because empiricism means sense experience and it distinguishes true knowledge against philosophical speculations and dogmas. 2) Spiritualism is about 'spirit'. Spirit as per biblical term is all about metaphysical existence of any person. It is just like ghosts. The holy spirit does more good then bad. From the perspective of

Vajra Yogini and Vamana Avatara

If you do not know who Vajra Yogini is, please click on the link to know more about the goddess ( Vajra Yogini is the goddess of two fold path of 'tamas' and 'vama'. Her path is the path from tamas to the truth. First when the sadhaka engages in her practices, they first indulge in tamas to master it. After some years of rigorous penance when one perfects the sadhana, they leave behind their tamas nature and they ascend to light.  Vajra Yogini is also mentioned in our scriptures but not directly. She has to be decoded. Just like the whole world who think Vamana avatara of Lord Vishnu was a Brahmin. Vamana clearly was a person who was an ardent follower of Vama or the left hand path to god.     The Vamana avatara of Lord Vishnu had perfected a particular form of Vajra Yogini . Vamana was an ascetic who after deep penances of Lord Shiva perfected Vajra Yogini form, where she is portrayed as standing with one leg while the other leg

Why do Naga Babas walk naked?

I do not own copyright of this picture. This picture is used for illustration purpose and is used in this blog under fair use of intellectual property. This is a million dollar question, 'why do Naga Babas walk naked?'. My answer may not be a million dollar answer or an answer among million answers, nevertheless I proceed to answer it through this post. Philosophically speaking, nakedness is also a mind construct like time and space. We find it amazed or disgusted when we find a person walking naked. Seldom do we question our own self the purpose of their nudity? Perception varies from people so does their answers. I think the whole essence of nudity is nothing but perception. The perception of nudity to Naga Baba is different to the Baba themselves and to us. The perception is relative and subjective. The perception through which a Baba ji embraces nudity is not equally perceived by common people. Common people find the nudity of Naga Baba offensive but the nudity of Sunny Leo

Kurukulla, the goddess of 'aesthetic'

This article is summarized from the following page. click   Kurukulla page of Kaulantak Peeth . Kurukulla, is the goddess of 'rajas' mode of nature. It is because of her traits that her worshiper develops the 'rajas' trait in oneself and they transform themselves to an 'aesthetic person'. Aesthetic is a branch of philosophy that dwells upon the appreciation and nature of arts, most popularly beauty. Aesthetic furthers the information of beauty. Hedonism is also considered a form of aesthetic because hedonism is all about maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. Aesthetic is all about maximizing beauty and minimizing ugliness. Whatever gives pleasure is considered beautiful and whatever gives pain is considered ugliness.  Kurukulla, she is the goddess who maximizes both aesthetic trait and hedonistic trait in an individual. She bestows her worshiper with all forms of 'hedone' or pleasure. She is such romantic goddess that she aspires every human to pursue

Fake Indian Media is Yellow journalism.

Image for representation. I respect the copyright of the artist.  Every professional conduct implies ethics and adhering to ethical standards and no media is immune to it. Media might be the fourth organ of the state but it is propelled by the ethics of 'self governance'. When the media 'self governs' itself breaking all the ethical standards is 'Yellow Journalism'. Ever since the Hearst vs Pulitzer, yellow journalism has been deeply en-rooted in the journalism field. The yellow journalism reverts to tactics of exaggerating, glamorizing, using suspense to present any fact. The main ethics of journalist is to report the fact and not add subjective view to the fact in the sole aim of selling or propagating their ideas. The yellow journalism is unethical but it works because we Human Being by nature are gullible and are emotional creatures. We are more inspired to choose a particular thing based on emotions rather then on logic. Our choices are emotional and someti

Free all the temples from any government control.

Image for representation. I do not own the copyright of the image. I repeat, “Free all the temples from any government control. Let it be small temples on the side of a road unattended and that gets no donations to the huge temples which gets millions of donations like that of a Jaggannath temple. Either way, we do not want our temples to be controlled by our government but by us”. “Freedom of religion” is a basic human right. Freedom of religion means that a person is free to “profess, practice and propagate” his/her own religion. The people profess, practice and propagate their religion either through their own initiative individually or collectively through going to religious temple and sites. Religious temples and sites are made so that a particular person can practice his/her faith with utmost liberty and under no coercion from the state. The state cannot ask you to follow a particular religion because the state itself doesn’t have a particular religion because the state is secula