
Showing posts from June, 2017

Materialism: a brief synopsis.

Today i am writing about the term "Materialism" in response to a question I received in facebook message. A short introduction is as follows: The concept of Materialism is very objective. It changes its meaning with time. If one were to say that real materialism started with the industrial revolution of the European nations that would be big fallacy. Materialism started way before then that. Out of the six basics branches of the Hindu pantheon we have a branch that is wholly attributed to Maharishi Charvaka and his upanishad, "CHARVAKA UPANISHAD". The bible of materialism. It has a very famous sloka: " यावज्जीवेत सुखं जीवेद  ऋणं कृत्वा घृतं पिवेत ,  भस्मीभूतस्य देहस्य पु नरागमनं कुतः " The very essence of the sloka means "if you have to live a life, live life in full pleasure, borrow money and have delicacies made of ghee, because when you die its the end of life and there is no reincarnation". This sloka was said by one of the Rishi's of Hin


Kaulantak Peeth is the ultimate abode of spiritualism. From here the whole civilization was taught dharma and it is the land of the penances. This is the place where 9 Nath to 84 Siddha did penances.It is the place from  where Rishi Muni impart their knowledge to worthy aspirants. Several people have claimed to meet great souls in Himalayas too.But if there is one thing that is still unknown to the masses is that KAULANTAK PEETH neither  differentiate between Gods and Demons. Both can practice spiritualism freely in this pious land. Similarly, there is no difference between spiritualism and materialism for the great souls of Kaula Siddha lineage. Let me explain the concept: In most sects of Hinduism there is either materialism or spiritualism, both cannot go hand in hand. But in Kaula Siddha lineage the Siddhas use both materialism and spiritualism for their upliftment from sansara. It is the middle path as prescribed by the scriptures. If you go the Himalayas then hunger will affect a

Ishputra siddha lineage and Upper Mustang.- part 2

9 nath and 84 siddha, The whole guru mandala in a picture. This post is the second part of the Ishputra and Priya Ma visit to Upper Mustang post. As mentioned in the last post I have already explained about the basic facts of the journey and i have given  some basic introduction about the holy land, topography and the flora and fauna of Upper Mustang. Today I am writing about the different facets of the trip and the holy land Upper Mustang. A glimpse of Ishputra and Priya Ma on the hill where snowfall happened. Many Millennium ago, Upper Mustang was an isolated land. It was in such an isolation that everything were covered in snow and there was no habitation around. Suddenly, His Holiness Ishputra looked at the Himalaya and revealed to me "it was Mahasiddha Matsyendra Nath Ji Maharaj of Yogini Kaula sect, the very own sect that we belong to descended from the Himalaya and it was he who started the settlement of people. It was impossible for a common man or woman to settle in this

A visit to Lo Manthang, Upper Mustang with Ishputra and Priya Ma.- 1

Recently, Ishputra and Priya Ma visited Nepal for a brief journey to Upper Mustang valley. It was the scenery and the spiritual touch of the Himalaya that Ishputra set his holy feet in this dry land. The Bhairava's and Bhairavi's who are connected with  Kaulantak Peeth  tradition very well know the fact that soon a sermon series of Ishputra's "GYANA GANGA" will be aired at  Newslivenow   channel. It is my opinion, the series is going to be a big surprise to all the Bhairava's and Bhairavi's of Kaulantak Peeth. The content, the breath taking view, the scenery and the topic of the series is mind blowing. Viewers would surely love it. The first episode of the series would start from the Upper Mustang valley. His Holiness has reached as far as Korala Tibet border for the episode. Viewers surely will get the glimpse of how Upper Mustang looks like and why has the great His Holiness chosen this land to start the series. Ishputra and Priya Ma meditating and behin

English transcipt of the conversation between Akshar Bhairav and Ishputra

Below is the transcript of the conversation between Akshar Bhairav and Ishputra as per the video shown in the side: Akshar :  Namaskar, today we are going to discuss on a very big serious issue. Today with us we have ISHPUTRA. This issue has suddenly out of nowhere come to the limelight at the moment. Ishputra, Ministry of AYUSHA had issued a booklet on pregnancy and there are some serious thoughtful points on it which your holiness might have an idea as well. Ishputra: yes, I did notice these issue, it has been presented in such a way by the big medias that the government and  AYUSHA ministry  in this country  has done something very unlawful and should apologize, yes, I have noticed this issue. Akshar:  Ishputra out of those points mentioned there are some points which are very ambiguous. It is uncertain if these are right guidelines or not, a point mentions the abstinence from intoxication, abstinence from sex and to live a simpleton life. What are your thoughts on it? ISHPUTRA: Loo

Maha Yogi Satyendra Nath Ji Maharaj: A glimpse of my experiences

Before i even start eulogizing  the grate tantric tradition of the Himalayas, the Yogini Kaula tradition, I would like to pay my homage to the venerable reverend, His Holiness Kaulantak Peethadeshwar Mahayogi Satyendra Nath ji maharaj who is the abode of the timeless eternal Hindu religion and practices. He is the walking, talking encyclopedia of Hinduism. His domain of knowledge extends and encompasses the various parts of Hindu's lifestyle, from Tantra, Mantra to Yoga, Karmakanda (rituals) to Ayurveda. He has the full knowledge of the 64 art forms as mentioned in the scriptures and he is the current head i.e Peethadeshwar of the Kaulantak Peeth as mentioned in the last post and also the current head of Panchapeeth which in spiritual realm means the whole world, as per the gurumandalas, the whole world were divided into five peeths, roughly like the five continensts in historic periods. If there is one mention that makes His holiness and we all Bhairav/Bhairavi incomplete is Mahag

Kaulantak Peeth: A basic introduction

       Kaulantak Peeth is the sacred land that stretches down from Russian Alps through Tora Bora mountains, passing Hing Laj Devi in Pakistan, the whole Himalaya of Nepal, Bhutan, parts of Tibet which encompasses Mount Kailash and Kaulantak Peeth stretches till Burma.It is sacred because with the eternal mountains it has eternal history.It used to be the place where all Rishi Muni, Siddhas, Gandharvas, Yaksha, Kinnars, Gods and Goddesses used to reside to impart knowledge to the worthy sadhakas and Dharm used to be regulated from here. It is also the land of penances where sadhakas gets dikshas and here they start the first step to the penances.                  Historically "KAULANTAK PEETH" is mentioned in puranas. It has been explicitly mentioned in Skanda purana where brahmarandha of Sati Devi fell down.It is therefore Shakta and Shaiv peeth.It is the universal fountain from where all the sources of knowledge of sanatana like yoga, tantra, mantra, ayurveda, yuddha vigyan