
Showing posts from July, 2017

Guru Mandala and Guru Mandala Sadhana

Have you ever wondered how the world has always not been spiritual free?, After all these attacks to Hinduism and Hindu culture, spiritualism seems to never be fading. Spiritualism has always been constant. It has always been flowing to the society. The sources of the Gyana Ganga (Spiritual River) is unknown. From the unknown all known manifests, it is just like the rainbow manifesting out from the fountain. The rainbow manifest itself out in flying colors. The spiritual fountain has always been flowing and the spiritual rainbows with flying colors have always been manifesting. The cause of all these phenomena can be attributed to Lord Shiva, the causes of all the causes, from him where the Spiritual River flows down from his Brahmarandhra(crown chakra) to the earth and the society to the great practitioners and sadhakas. It is the duty of the sages, Sapta Rishi to ensure the spiritual fountain reach the thirsty sadhakas. Time and again the sages who are the manifestation of Lord Shiva