
Showing posts from August, 2017

Why Indian Baba used to take alms?

Not just long ago, we had several Baba ji coming to our houses and asking for bhiksha(alms). This trend was set by the great sages of India who in their spiritual pursuit would take alms for survival so that they need not be focused on livelihood and how to make ends meet. This trend is declining, real baba ji are nowhere to be found and fake self proclaimed baba ji have made spiritualism their business earning millions and millions of rupees by selling the idea of "God" to the masses. Spiritualism is a full time job with no payments and less returns. It is an undertaking that doesn't guarantee any prosperity nor any quick returns. Sages and seers meditated to decipher every secrets of universe. Had they been distracted by the idea of livelihood, making ends meet and having to work hard in the fields, they would have never discovered those universal truths. Spiritualism in its purest sense is sadhana which means hard work undertaken to achieve a purpose. One has to go to

The real Yoga and the misconception behind Yoga

It might not sound good to the ears of Yoga enthusiast when somebody informs them that the yoga they are doing is the wrong yoga. Yoga is not what you and I have been taught. People mistake the postures and breathing exercise for Yoga especially westerners. They are also not to be blamed because they weren't guided rightly by the authorities of yoga. They are not wholly right nor wholly wrong because postures and breathing exercises are a part of yoga but not Yoga as a whole. For eg, studying graduate level in literature is the gateway to PHD (Doctor of Philosophy) in literature but the graduate level is not the whole Doctor level. It is just a part of the whole system. The question now arises does one become Yogi by performing those postures and breathing exercises. The answer is quite simple. It can be explained through the analogy of Khaki dress and an Army person. Any individual who wears a khaki doesn't become an Army, the khaki is the symbol of army. Similarly one who doe

You have been doing YOGA wrongly.

Before writing this article, I would like to pay my homage to my Guru, he who gave me all the knowledge and wisdom so compassionately. The whole world knows him as  "Kaulantak Peethadeshwar Mahayogi Satyendra Nath Ji Maharaj ". For me he is beyond the name and form, he is Lord Shiva himself descended down to society by the order of the Gurumandala for redemption of the Bhairavas and Bhairavis, who in the former life were connected with Kaulantak Peeth. Secondly, I believe I am writing this article for a purpose. Primarily to give information to the Bhairavs and Bhairavis of Kaulantak Peeth about the various aspects of yoga and secondarily also to enlighten aspiring Yogis and people about the same which is secretive, unknown to the masses and also to those Yoga teachers who teach Yoga but do not know the basics facts of the Yoga, like why is an Asana done?, how is an Asana done?, What is the philosophy of performing an Asana?. I believe my writing shall clarify it all. I also


"Ishputra" means the "son of Isha". In Kaulantak Peeth tradition "Isha" means Ishwara. Ishwara means Rudra. Rudra means the first Shiva. From him all other Shiva emerge, and all other Shiva is the reflection of the Shiva. Just like in "Devi Mahatmyam", Devi says "striya samasta  sakala  jagatsu"  which literally means "All women in his world have the attributes of Devi. All women are the manifestation of  Devi Bhagawati.". Similarly all Shiva in this world are the one and the same Rudra. Akshobhya Shiva, Kabanda Shiva, Sada Shiva are all the manifestation of the same Shiva Rudra. "Ishputra" literally means "Son of Shiva". "Ishputra" is a spiritual title. The title is not easily available, the title cannot be bought in Kashi and Haridwara, nor the title is ISO certified by spiritual institution, the title has to be earned and it takes a whole cycles of rebirth and reincarnation to attain and mainta

Tantra: a basic introduction

Today I am going to write about some basic aspects of Tantra. Tantra these days is the most talked about topic in the society. The society doesn't have a positive outlook towards Tantra. The reasons may be varying. But the most common outlook on Tantra are, "it does more harm then good", "Tantra is the instrument of evil", "Tantra spreads evil and one should refrain and distance themselves from Tantra". These are all wrong inference of the masses. The masses were induced to wrong propositions. Tantra always has been a secretive science. The Tantra science is not taught but revealed. No person in this entire universe besides Lord Shiva can teach you Tantra. Tantra is exclusively under the control of Lord Shiva. This is for the reason if we read the lines of Agama-Nigama, it is always Mata Parvati asking questions on Tantra to Lord Shiva while as he replies her with some revelation. Just like the other side of the hill is only revealed to the traveler wh