
Showing posts from January, 2018

Spiritualism - 1

Let me write you all about something that is widely misunderstood and misinferred. It goes by the name Spiritualism. What exactly is spiritualism and what is the difference between religion and spiritualism needs to be answered. Well, these days the modern day holy men have made spiritualism only the act of pious deed like cultivation of compassion, non violence, charity etc. People think they become spiritual by giving alms, charity etc. Its nothing but quarter truth. Pious virtues cleanses your action and the modern day society have been guided by it but in past eons, Lord Krishna did ask Arjuna to behave like a Kshetri and then fight like a warrior. Lord Krishna even managed to give him some basic teachings of yoga and by it persuading Arjuna to fight. Spiritualism is to what extent you manage to expand your consciousness. The more degraded the consciousness is the person is more likely to be reincarnate as an inferior being and more expanded the consciousness, the more guarantee of