
Showing posts from February, 2018

Lord Shiva and Shivatwa

Shiva = Shakti It is  Maha Shivratri nonth, the most auspicious festival of Lord Shiva. It is the day where all the shiva followers practice penances for the perfection of their sadhana. The main element  of Maha Shivaratri is Lord Shiva himself and the attainment of "Shivatwa". Shivatwa means "Ishwaratva". To establish Shivatwa inside means to establish and nurture the divinity inside. That divinity is the source of the whole universe and human existence. When nothing in this universe remained only divinity remained and through that divinity all things sprung and to that divinity everything shall rest upon. Before going into "Shivatva" we should dwell upon who Shiva is and who Shiva isn't? From Aghor tradition and perspective "everything is Shiva". There is nothing that isn't Shiva because Shiva of the Aghora doesn't just mean lord Rudra only but the "tatwa" that is the element. In modern terms, there is the concept of Higg

Dharm Adhikara (oriental legal system) vs Western legal system.

This post is written in reference to an allegation made by an advocate of Himachal Pradesh to His Holiness Mahayogi Satyendra Nath that the asana upon which he reigns is of Sesh Naaga and he portrays himself as Lord Vishnu and many more. Before answering the query, it would be my privilege to write upon the subjects which I am very interested upon, law and spiritualism. Both are my passions. I am appearing for my bar exam this year and I am an ardent spiritual person initiated to the lineage of Kaula siddhas by His Holiness Mahayogi Satyendra Nath ji maharaj (Ishaputra). First of all, let us have a look upon the western legal system. The western legal system is the predominant system that is universal. Even countries like Nepal, India have adopted western legal system without a shadow of a doubt. Western legal system mainly consists of Common law system, Continental law system. The American law system is emerging and in recent trends much of legal improvements and break through have co