
Showing posts from April, 2018

Naked yoga will make you naked and nothing more

Recently, the online medias have been flooded with different Yoga practiced by some westerners. Different yogas like "Chicken Nugget Yoga", "Naked Yoga", "Beer Yoga" etc is widely being shared in online medias . The interesting part is that it is hugely commercialized. The original yoga that is all about "being one with oneself" has now taken different twist and turns. The very essence of yoga is going beyond the senses and the very practice of using unrelated things to practice yoga surely defeats the very purpose of Yoga i.e oneness. The mundane commercialization of yoga has given rise to different forms of yoga which is entirely arbitrary and not related to Yoga itself. One yoga studio situated in Manhattan has opened a Yoga studio named "Naked Yoga". The rational behind naked yoga for them is  that "when we are all naked we are all same". Naked Yoga for them is all about being open from outside and for confidence issue. Bu