
Showing posts from July, 2018

Fake Indian Media is Yellow journalism.

Image for representation. I respect the copyright of the artist.  Every professional conduct implies ethics and adhering to ethical standards and no media is immune to it. Media might be the fourth organ of the state but it is propelled by the ethics of 'self governance'. When the media 'self governs' itself breaking all the ethical standards is 'Yellow Journalism'. Ever since the Hearst vs Pulitzer, yellow journalism has been deeply en-rooted in the journalism field. The yellow journalism reverts to tactics of exaggerating, glamorizing, using suspense to present any fact. The main ethics of journalist is to report the fact and not add subjective view to the fact in the sole aim of selling or propagating their ideas. The yellow journalism is unethical but it works because we Human Being by nature are gullible and are emotional creatures. We are more inspired to choose a particular thing based on emotions rather then on logic. Our choices are emotional and someti

Free all the temples from any government control.

Image for representation. I do not own the copyright of the image. I repeat, “Free all the temples from any government control. Let it be small temples on the side of a road unattended and that gets no donations to the huge temples which gets millions of donations like that of a Jaggannath temple. Either way, we do not want our temples to be controlled by our government but by us”. “Freedom of religion” is a basic human right. Freedom of religion means that a person is free to “profess, practice and propagate” his/her own religion. The people profess, practice and propagate their religion either through their own initiative individually or collectively through going to religious temple and sites. Religious temples and sites are made so that a particular person can practice his/her faith with utmost liberty and under no coercion from the state. The state cannot ask you to follow a particular religion because the state itself doesn’t have a particular religion because the state is secula

Should Indian media be held accountable or should they enjoy impunity?

"Your only right is to perform your duties perfectly". Geeta 2:47. It is the eternal line said by Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the battle of Kurukshetra. The line pretty much sums up the Oriental perspective on the rights and duties of any persons. The line implies that the only rights a person enjoys is the right to perform ones duty perfectly. Right for oriental society is not a claim against another person but the claim against ones own self. The right to claim to yourself to perform your duty perfectly. This is the maxim that we have lived by all the generations till this day and age. But somewhere in the corners of our own civilization, we can feel that we have strayed very far from our own ideals and we have become something which we never were, a deceitful person. The Indian news media is no different. They fall on the category of press and the press is considered to be the fourth organ of any democratic state. The rational behind the "fourth organ of democratic soci

Tantra Jyotish and Yogini Jyotish

Yogini Jyotish and Tantra Jyotish Jyotish, etymologically is derived from the Sanskrit word ( + ), which literally translates to divine light and God. The synthesis of both the words gives the meaning, “Jyotish is a divine instrument that acts as the divine light to its practitioner in the pursuit of ultimate god”. Divine light here means wisdom and the knowledge of reality while as Isha means ultimate god. Through the knowledge and wisdom of the ultimate reality i.e the self, the god who is inside every being is realized”.  Jyotish is thepath which helps the practitioner to unravel the mysteries of outer universe which in turn unravels the mysteries of his/her own inner universe because “   ” that human body and the universe are similar.Tantra is a systematic approach to solve a problem or to run a system. For instance, in “Panchanguli Tantra” the whole universe is saturated to five basic elements i.e earth, water, air, fire and ether. Since these five basic elements make up