
Showing posts from September, 2017

Rules and Regulations of Kaulantak Peeth

We are proud Bhairavas and Bhairavi's who have special allegiance to the tantric Kaula lineage, the utmost lineage and sect out of all the lineage and sects present in the Himalaya. The legacy of the Kaulas starts right from Lord Shiva, it then passes to the great Gurumandala who are the torch bearers of the  Kaula lineage and they in return have passed down the legacy and then handed down the torch and legacy to Maha Kaula Shiromani, Kaulantak Peethadeshwar  "His Holiness Mahayogi Satyendra Nath Ji Maharaj". His Holiness is the head of all the Kaulas present in this world. Since,"Kulika is Shiva themselves". His Holiness is Mahakulika, the head of all Kulas so he is the Mah Shiva or the great Rudra himself. This is for the reason he is also popularly known as "Ishputra" meaning "the son of Isha". Since in our tantric lexicons, "Isha" means Rudra or Shiva, so he is also known as "the son of Shiva". The son and the father a

Bali Pratha or Sacrifise Ritual

Devi Durga slaying the demon. It is the third day of the Navaratri here in Indian subcontinent. People are poised to worship the Nava Durga, the nine forms of the Goddess Durga. The worship of Devi brings wealth, joy, prosperity, abundance with the slain of inner demons like animal instinct, tamas elements like, anger, greed, envious, pretentiousness etc. The worship of Devi is done through Tantra, and it is done through rituals. The rituals are the life style of the Hindu Community. From the birth to the death, rituals do not end. From the very instance an infant is born, there is "baptism" or "name giving ceremony" then "rice feeding ceremony" then marriage ritual, pitri rituals, Kuldevta puja rituals, Ista devta puja rituals, Rudri rituals and list goes on and it doesn't end with the death too. After the funeral rituals the deceased person's descendant then carries out the ritual in his or her name every Pitri Paksha. The rituals are never endin

Shiva linga and sensuality

A person just happened to send me a question about "Shiva linga"?. His question was, "Why Shiva linga has the explicit image of a men's penis and women's vagina like that of a picture shown in the above given picture. Does the explicit image reflect the sensual aspect of the religion? To answer some of the inquisition of the person, I should first tell my readers that the explicit use of the penis and vagina in Shiva Linga has nothing to do with sensuality. If any person relates it to sensuality then the person has sinned on the spot. Tantra is secretive, if you don't understand tantra prima facie, you would be fooled by tantra. Tantra is not what it looks or seems like. Tantra is way beyond that. One needs a tantric mind to discern or infer the facts from the tantra. Tantra uses symbols to explain phenomena. It heavily uses representation or symbols to do the upasana of gods and goddess and rituals. For instance, Maharishi Daitya guru Shukracharya lost his o

Kamakhya Devi and Kamakhya Sadhana.

The announcement of sadhana shivir of Kamakshya goddess. The Kamakhya Goddess is one of the most revered goddess for the Kaulas. There is a famous temple dedicated to Kamakhya goddess in Assam. It is believed that the "Yoni" of Mata Sati fell there and the temple was erected. Since, the Kamakhya is the place where Satidevi's yoni fell, one can simple infer that the whole cult and worship of Kamakhya Goddess is related to Yoni Tantra. There might be many stories and anecdote of Kamakhya Goddess temple but that simply is not relevant. Stories can be made or be edited but facts remains the same. Fact is the most essential thing to understand any concepts. So lets talk about the whole Kamakhya Goddess and the tantric aspect to it. Kamakhya can be broken down into two words (kama+ikshya) where kama = passion, sexual drive for creation, ikshya = wish, desires. Therefore, Kamakhya devi represent the creative aspects of the whole creation. The sexual drive should not be misrepres

Fake media and Spiritualism (hindu, christians, islam)

The world is run by media. Media controls everything. Media controls our choices, our beliefs and our actions. Media implants ideas in the minds of an individual and since emotions have effect on mind, the media targets the emotions of the people to reach into the minds of people. When the idea of any person reaches into the mind and the romance feeling is triggered then the person falls in love, similarly, the medias does the same. They instill an idea. The idea turns into belief and the belief becomes lifestyle of the person. Have you ever wondered why big corporation pay huge sum of money on advertising? Why do they have the big celebrities endorse their product?, how medias affect the decision of the government? Why leftist have hollywood celebrities endorsing their agendas? Why do the medias target the youth groups and not matured persons? There are lot to be questioned and lot to be answered. In today's day and age, people might not know but medias are the basis of " psy

The akharas and the fake 14 babas

With the recent aftermaths of Gurmeet Ram Rahim rape case, The Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad has decided to release as per their discretion, the name list of the 14 fake babas. They decided to release the statement after their Illahabad meeting. According to them, the second list is also in the process of being released. They further reiterated that the step had to be taken for protecting the common people against the misdeeds of the so called imposters posed as babas. People have had a mixed reaction against this release. Some common people have rejoiced the decisions but some people especially the ardent devotees of the listed imposters have even been giving death threats. It is for sure that the whole Gurmeet Ram Rahim case, Asharam case and the whole Akhara's decision have hurt the sentiments of a common Hindu person. It has in a way divided Hindus. First of all, it is our grave misfortunes that we have in the name of spiritual guru a bunch of imposters. They have no distinct

Caste, gender and poverty related issues in Hinduism

Recently I came across a question posted on the social media. It was a good question based on caste system and other Hindu contemporary issues. Let's dissect and discern the facts related to it. The questions are given below: "Hi strangers! I'm not a Hindu, but I'm researching about Hinduism for one of my major subjects, World Religions and Belief Systems. I have a few questions: Is the caste system still followed? Why or why not? What are the average Hindu's views on feminism? What are the average Hindu's views on poverty? EDIT: Rephrased the questions. I'm unsure what my teacher meant and personally meant no offense to any believer. I'm just confused and would really like to know about Hindus' view on the caste system, gender inequality, and poverty. I look forward to a constructive reply. Thank you!" Lets answers the above three questions.   Is the caste system still followed? Why or why not?       Before answering the questions, one should

Atheism: a hindu perspective

Atheism as a popular belief is a belief which doesn't believe in the existence of Gods. Atheism is the complete rejection of the idea that god exist. Atheism surely has wings that makes it propel itself. The two wings of Atheism for me is rationality and realism. Any idea is consider to be truth if it satisfies some rational logic and contains real facts. A god as claimed is devoid of material facts. A god is like a common accepted axiom about the supreme being of this universe. Atheism doesn't dwell on the fields of idealism. To believe in god is in itself an idealism. God for many is a matter of pure speculation. It is just like a commonly accepted belief that people don't question upon. God may or may not exist. There is no sure proof way to prove the existence of god. Even the lines of scriptures are vague. If any person has realized god, it is also the matter of personal experience and the personal experience is very hard to tread with people. It is just like a person

Yantra and its significance in tantra - part i

Have you ever seen a geometrical figure in diagrams with beej mantras and deities inscribed in copper plate?. In Buddhism, have you ever seen a enclosed geometrical figure painted in thangka?, Have you ever heard the word mandala? Have you ever seen a SRI YANTRA with complex triangles? SRI YANTRA If you answer 'yes' to the above queries then you must have some idea of yantra. If you don't have any idea but if you have seen it, you might then have an idea how it looks like. For the readers who haven't heard or seen a yantra, it looks just like this as given above. Above geometrical diagram is the SRI YANTRA. It is the most famous, revered and most selling yantra in the markets. It is the geometrical diagram of Goddess Lalita Tripura Sundari. It is believed that worshiping the yantra would bring prosperity, wealth and abundance to the worshipper. Now, the question arises, "How can the geometrical diagram called yantra represent the deity?". What are the bases fo

Mudra (The spiritual hand gestures)

The Mudra used for meditating. Dhyan Mudra The Mudra means hands gesture made by interlocking fingers or by the combination of fingers to make a certain hand gesture to achieve the intended purpose. Mudra carries a very great significance in many forms of discipline for its utility. It is used in Tantra, Mantra, Yoga, Ayurveda, Rasayana and also in Dances and Singing. Below we are going to discuss some of it uses and utilities. According to the Panchanguli Tantra, our five fingers respectively represents earth, wind, water, fire and ether. It represents the five basic elements presented everywhere in this universe. Secondly, according the same tantra it says we are a mini universe in our own, that is for the reason we have our own universe inside and it is made up by the five elements. Therefore when a person makes a mudra, the mudra affects the inner universe and desired outcomes can be reached. Through the use of mudra our inner universe comes to our control. Therefore, the whole uni

The purpose of meditation

Meditation is a very incomprehensible term, it is not a theory that can be discerned through logic nor be deduced and induced by facts. It is completely an inner phenomena. It is like the process of boiling the seawater for the salts to crystallize. Mediation is like a entering inside a big house and reaching the center point or the pinnacle of the house. The house can be compared to your body and the center point of the house can be compared to ones existence and soul. From the outside, a house is seen to have a definite fixed shape and form, when you enter inside the house, the outer fixed shape and structure is transcended and all you can see is the enclosed area, the pillars. From their if you make your way to the center point of your house i.e the pinnacle then one will practitioner will realize that the house started from a fixed base and structure and ended at a point of the pinnacle. The tip of the pinnacle is the point where the house disappears and only a point remains. Like,

All that glitters is not gold. (Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh)

With the recent jail sentence of Gurumeet Ram Rahim Singh by the court on the charges of double rape, people from different backgrounds, caste, creed, profession, nationality, faith, religion etc have voiced their opinion in the online social medias. Most of the opinions, bar his supporters are against Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh who is the head of the non profit organisation for social welfare "Dera Sacha Sauda". The most recurring opinions on him boils down to the most commonly used term "baba". People have just labelled him as a "Hindu baba" and they have all spewed hatred and also demanded impliedly or expressedly that  babas, holy people, saint traditions, godmen be publicly boycotted. People in India rate the saints and godmens very highly because of the culture and the societal values of the sanatana. It is the very base of our culture and society that has been shaken from the very bottom when people point fingers to the sanatana based on two or three i