Rules and Regulations of Kaulantak Peeth

We are proud Bhairavas and Bhairavi's who have special allegiance to the tantric Kaula lineage, the utmost lineage and sect out of all the lineage and sects present in the Himalaya. The legacy of the Kaulas starts right from Lord Shiva, it then passes to the great Gurumandala who are the torch bearers of the  Kaula lineage and they in return have passed down the legacy and then handed down the torch and legacy to Maha Kaula Shiromani, Kaulantak Peethadeshwar  "His Holiness Mahayogi Satyendra Nath Ji Maharaj". His Holiness is the head of all the Kaulas present in this world. Since,"Kulika is Shiva themselves". His Holiness is Mahakulika, the head of all Kulas so he is the Mah Shiva or the great Rudra himself. This is for the reason he is also popularly known as "Ishputra" meaning "the son of Isha". Since in our tantric lexicons, "Isha" means Rudra or Shiva, so he is also known as "the son of Shiva". The son and the father are always one.

Such great reverence is of the Peethadeshwara of the Kaulantak Peeth that there are certain rules and regulation or protocols the Bhairav and Bhairavi's should abide by. They are following:
1) Since, His Holiness is Lord Shiva himself. He should also be revered as lord Shiva himself. Therefore, lord Shiva along with the authority Goddess of Kaulantak Peethm Ma Kurukulla Devi and His Holiness "Ishputra" should be revered and greeted with Kaulachara Pranam as frequently as possible. The Kaulachara Pranam is the mixed salutation process of Tantra and Yoga. The Bhairava and Bhairavi's should perform the Kaulachara Pranam as much as they can. The more they perform the more beneficial to them.2)One should also perform Kaulachara Pranama to both Guruma Ma Priya Bhairavi, the beloved of our guru His Holiness "Ishputra", and Ma Kurukulla. Both should be greeted with Kaulachara Pranam with same reverence and devotion.

3) One should not sit in the equal height of His Holiness anywhere and everywhere. His Holiness might out of compassion asks you to sit besides him or in the equal height, still you should politely deny it out of great reverence and then sit on the floor. The Peeth demands utmost devotion and reverence from the Bhairavs and Bhairavi's.

4) One should not talk when His Holiness is talking or interrupt him in middle of his teaching and sermon. He doesn't talk out of preparation. He preaches through the connection with the Gurumandala so a person should not interrupt him in between because that would break his inner connection with the Gurumandala. When he is talking, he is Lord Shiva in preaching.

5) It is mandatory for any Sadhak to wear the Kaulachari Dress, the red dhoti with yellow borders when inside the peeth. When they are out of the peeth the kaulachari dress is non mandatory.

6) Whoever wants to visit the market for personal purpose should first take the permission of Alok Bhairava.

7) When a sadhaks would want to talk with His Holiness, special time would be allocated. Even at the time of the questions by the sadhaka, the particular person should cover the mouth and then ask the questions. He/she should also bend or lean forward while in the proximity of His Holiness and Guruma.

8) The sadhaks are not allowed to indulge in smoking and chewing tobacco while in or out of the peeth and drinking is also strictly prohibited.

9) The sadhaks are also not allowed to eat outside the peeth or in the hotel at the time of the shivir.

10) Gossiping is strictly prohibited and restricted in the Ashram. If a person is free the person should indulge in sewa and chant the mantras of the peeth.

11) Everyone should wake up early in the morning and reach the sadhana hall within 6 am.

12) All should participate in Satya yoga and Kaulachara chanting.

13) All should keep their sadhana table clean.

14) One should keep the toilet clean.

15) One should not speak in loud voices and shouldn't make noises.

16) One should keep the mobile phone silent.

17) After every meal, the respective person should themselves wash their plates and glass.

18) Sewa is the most important aspect of the sadhana. Therefore, the participants should render as much sewa as they can.

19) One should be humble and they should also strive to cultivate divinity in them inside the Peeth, any form of intolerance and rude behaviour by the sadhaka would not be tolerated by the peeth.

20) The Peeth carries every right to deny the participation of any sadhaka in the midst of the sadhana shivir if the Peeth feels the particular person has violated the basic norms of the Peeth.

21) The Astottarsatnamawali book of His Holiness should also be treated with great reverence and not be haphazardly handled and also not be laid on the ground. It should only be placed on the top of the towel which the Peeth provides.

The list continues but the utmost needed element is the devotion and utmost reverence to the Kaula lineage.
Om namah shivaya.


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