Hindu cremation vs other cremation styles

Hindu cremation is simple, it is done through fire. The body is burnt till it turns ashes. The remanents of the body is called asthi. The asthi is collected and released in the holy waters. It is believed that the holy waters shall liberate the deceased soul. This understanding can be attributed to the story of King Bhagirath who liberated all the souls of his deceased ancestors by bringing the Ganges from heaven to the earth through lord Shiva. The Ganga river flows and reaches the hermitage of Mahasiddha Kapila muni who had cursed the king's ancestor to be burnt till ashes. The Ganga river then sweeps and sways the ashes and the ancestors of King Bhagirath is then liberated.

Basically it was due to Mahasiddha Kapilmuni, the cremation of releasing the ashes on the holy river is practiced. It is believed that when the asthi is released in the holy water the deceased soul gets liberated. That is for the reason this tradition has been practiced for pure liberation of the deceased soul.

The main question that arises is "why are the bodies burnt after being deceased?". The answer to the simple question can be explained from different perspectives. Some of my perception are as follows:

  1. For spiritual purpose:
                                             We have an axiom in Hinduism "यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रम्हाण्डे", which literally means, "the body of a human is similar to that of the universe". Everything that is contained in the universe is also contained in the human body. Therefore, if we were to use our imagination then we would infer that the universe is in motion. It is created from a black hole and is destroyed in the black hole. Similarly Hindus do not believe that they are the body. For hindus we are consciousness who has a body. We are all a consciousness seated in the bindu of our body. The consciousness finds a body and rests upon the bindu and then the body is formed. Similarly, when the body is burnt it burns everything but the consciousness.

So, it bascically means the body is temporary but the consciousness is permanent. Secondly, the body before cremating is made naked and it is very symbolic. It means the person was born naked and will return naked. He/she came with nothing and will take nothing.

      2. For ecological purpose:

                                                 The body were burnt because fire reduces everything to ashes. Back then there were abundant supply of woods because their were tree around. The smoke from the fire which constituted of carbon was consumed by the forest. The proportionate number of forest to the fire smoke were large. Therefore, the nature would just balance itself.

Secondly, if we cremate the body by burying it, it takes long to decompose and it also occupies a space. A second body cannot be buried because of the rotting smell of the previous body. The fire finishes the body within hours and the earth takes more then a month to decompose it wholly. The skeleton remains for years

      3. Non Attachment:
                                              The body is also cremated by fire for non attachment issues. If a person 's body is buried somewhere. The relatives gets attached to the coffin place. But if the body is burnt, everything is destroyed, so is the attachment which pertains to it. The burning of the body also reduces attachment and secondly with the rituals it also means people will also burn the dead person out of their consciousness.

So, the Hindu cremation by fire can be perceived through different perspectives. But one thing that stands out is that, the fire cremation is the best cremation style. The fire cremation destroys the body as well as the attachment related to it.

But in some sects of Hinduism we don't cremate the body through fire. We mummify it and we keep it in the caves of Himalayas. The tradition is as age old as the  civilisation itself. The Egyptian also followed similar mummyfing cremation style. The tradition of Kaula sect, the sect  to which i adhere to and His Holiness Kaulantak Peethadeshwar Mahayogi Satyendra Nath Ji Maharaj belongs mummify the dead body. Our sect does so because we dont believe in death. There is always coming back. There is always reincarnation.



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