
Mahakali is the goddess which every tantric fraternity knows. A tantric who knows not What Mahakali is, he/she has then missed the vital aspect of the whole tantra itself. Basically the whole tantra is divided into Shiva/Shakti, 10 mahavidyas, 64 yoginis, asta matrika and other gods and goddesses.

Mahakali is the top most mahavidya. She is the eldest Mahavidya out of all 10 mahavidyas. Her Shiva is Mahakala. The shakti of Mahakala is Mahakali herself. She is such revered because she is even more powerful then Mahakala himself. There is the famous picture depicted where She stands on top of Mahakala. Symbolically, if we were to separate the shakti aspect from the Mahakala Shiva, he becomes Shava. Mahakali is the life of Shiva.

Secondly, Shiva is the ultimate lord. He resides in every one in the form of tatwa, known as "Shiv tatwa". She is ultimate goddess who can destroy the Shiva tatwa too. She is of such great power. Even Shiva is helpless infront of her. Lets have a more descriptive view on her depiction as given in the picture.

She is pictured on the top of Mahakala. It means if you subtract Mahakali from Mahakala then the Mahakala Shiva becomes shava or a dead body. She wears the garland of skulls which means ultimate her worshipper would be able to control own inner universe. She holds a khappar or the skull which literally means the worshipper of her can control their mind on their own will. She also drinks the blood of Raktabeej symbolically meaning that the devi can subjugate any demonic qualities in her worshipper.

If you were to look at a boarder sense, she is the ultimate shakti in this universe. When there was nothing in this universe then it was all dark. The dark force is infinite in nature and it is so dark that there exist no light. Through the darkness then the light orginated and the universe was created. In short it was she who was their before the universe was created and would remain after the universe is destroyed. That is for the reason, she is worshipped in Tantra for achieving Moksha. She is the bestower of Moksha.

She is in equal status with Gayatri devi. In satwik marg, Gayatri is the ultimate goddess who bestows you liberation from the world while as in tantra it is Mahakali who bestows liberation from the world. I have my allegiance to Kaulantak Peeth. Kaulantak Peeth worships Mahakali as their primary deity. I along with many sadhaks and His Holiness Kaulantak Peethadeshwar Mahayogi Satyendra Nath Ji Maharaj worship her as our primary deity.


  1. जय श्री महाकाली,
    जय श्री महाकाल।
    चरण कमलेभ्यो नमः।

  2. जय श्री महाकाली,
    जय श्री महाकाल।
    चरण कमलेभ्यो नमः।

  3. Might sound weird whatever Im going to say. Im a great devotee of the Goddess even though Im still not spiritually elevated. I went to the temple today with heavy heart being worried and sad about something. I went in front of the goddess and started doing the avahan mahakali avahan. It happened that I was looking in Her eyes that suddenly they started turning red. I swear it is true. Can anyone advise me something?


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