The need for celebrating festival

Festivals are the soul of Hinduism. Without festivals Hinduism is incomplete. Festivals are occassion where we rejoice. We exist and we are grateful for whatever happened and how the acts of past generation have made an impact on us. So, we rejoice and celebrate festivals. Celebrating festivals is one of the most best way to be grateful to the existence.

Festivals also has great economic value. It is in festivals people spend freely. As in Dhanteras people freely spend and buy golds and vehicles. Some people even make investment in the share market on this particular day. Because of people spending in festivals, lot of people get employed and make money. For instance, in Laxmi pooja the mud lamp is sold extensively. People buy the mud lamps. The potter along with the wholeseller to the transporter all get jobs just by you people celebrating Laxmi Pooja.

Festivals are also the time where money can be spent and regulated in the market more efficiently. The more people spend the more profit sellers make and the same seller is also a customer to another business. When a person spends a money the profiter also spends money and the third person also has a profit and the third person also start spending. This is how market goes forward.

Since, festivals are lifestyle of Hindus, we should know how to regulate it even better way. We should aspire people to spend more. We should make our festivals connected to our economic system. If our economic system becomes related to our culture then our culture will always be preserved. The main driving force of any society and globalization is the economic aspect. If festivals helps in blooming the economy our culture, religion will always be protected.

Moreover, these days culture are used as soft powers. In this day and age when United Nations have absolute control over the world, it is absolutely impossible to win a war with a fight. There will be a huge retribution. So the emergence of soft power has changed how propaganda and war are fought.
These days international relations and politics aren't decided by might and war but through diplomacy.

Soft power deploys culture, lifestyle, values of a particular country which appeals to the mass of another country. For instance, Holi, Diwali are such unique culture and festivals we have. They are propagated highly by the media such that people have tried adopting them. The Hollywood and English Televisions have greatly added to the diminish of Eastern culture. Lot of youngsters have embraced their soft powers.

I remember as a child I grew up watching Mahabharata and Ramayana in the T.V. Ramayana taught us how to perform one's duty and Mahabharata gave us a message that one should always side with righteousness. But these days I watched children watching the soap "Kasauti Zindagi ke" where the character marries Mr. Bajaj and then again with Anurag. She flip flops and sways like pendulum towards those two men. The childrens will for sure in their subconsious find the idea of marrying twice and thrice very ok and pleasurable and in doing so destroying the family values.

That is for the reason we should celebrate our festivals not only because it has economic value but it is the elongation and practice of our culture and our identity too. We celebrate Ram Nawami because our culture and religion aspire us to be as Lord Rama himself. We celebrate Shivratri because we know the ultimate aim of ones life is to be Shiva.

Our festivals help us grow. The day we stop celebrating it, we shall as a person also stop developing. Our culture will also come under serious threat. Our identity would be in grave danger. We might risk it or loose it. The best way to destroy a country is to attack their culture. We should not allow our culture to be tarnished and that is where celebration of festivals comes handy.

Celebration of our festivals mean our oneness in diversity. The more we stand united the more our culture and religion is going to be saved. We, the Kaulantak Peeth fraternity under the holy guidance of His Holiness Kaulantak Peethadeshwar Mahayogi Satyendra Nath ji Maharaj i working to save our culture. We are trying our best to reinstate the lost knowledges and practices of this country. Together we can succeed. We should unite for a change and let the change, change our eroded visions


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