The need for worshiping gods and goddess

We Hindus are very liberal in our thoughts and very open when it comes to worshiping gods and goddesses. We are liberal because we worship many gods and we have no problem when other people worship other god then ours. Respect to one god is respect to all. Without the worship of gods, Hinduism is incomplete.

Worshiping gods somehow is  a spiritual contract theory. It is a spiritual contract because we worship the gods in the hope that the gods protect us. Just like in democracy, we vote to be governed similarly in spiritualism we worship god for the betterment of our own lives and to to internally develop oneself.

There are countless reasons for worshiping gods and goddess. Some vital concepts i shall explain below:

  1. Worshiping gods and goddess is just like installing a software inside us. If we compare ourselves with a computer then the our brain would be the CPU and the programs are installed for carrying out utility services. For instance, Avast antivirus is installed in one's computer so as to protect the computer against the threat of viruses. 
          Similarly, worshiping is also done for utility aspect. If one is poor then one would worship
          Mahalaxmi devi. The worship means "upasana" which literally means "to be near". When one  
          worships Mahalaxmi with devotion then the persons belief system gets changed. Due to the 
          power of association and the Law of Attraction, the person then starts to amass wealth because
          of the constant contemplation of the goddess, the beliefs and attributes of the devi starts to be              seen in the worshiper. This is how manifestation takes place

      2.  Worshiping gods and goddess is a cheat in this universe. It is a cheat to be reborn as a human              in next birth. The consciousness of the gods and goddess is higher then us. The consciousness              of animals are lower. We worshiping the gods means we being close to god. When we become            close to god then either we become one with god with the power of association or we walk in              the path to become one with the god. Therefore, every birth we take we become reborn as                    human because being one with god becomes ones tendency.

      3. To sharpen our intellect and to develop our brain. Gods and Goddesses have super human                    abilities. Therefore, in tantra they are worshiped so that through the law of attraction, the                      ability of gods transfers to the worshiper. This is age old tried and tested formula. But the                    exact formula is only revealed by a guru to a deserving disciple.

So, in a nutshell there are numerous reasons for worshiping gods. We Hindus have 33 crores gods and goddesses. The Kaulantak Peeth is the abode of the 33 crore gods and goddesses. It is there where they reside. The current head of Kaulantak Peeth is Mahayogi Satyendra Nath ji Maharaj and I also belong the same lineage because he initiated me to this path. 


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