Aghora - i (Aghora and Vedanta are non dual)

Aghora means going to the extreme of an extreme. Aghora is a philosophy and a tantric lineage which mission is to turn a shava (body) into Shiva. Aghora are shaivaite, they are the ardent follower of lord Shiva or in simple terms they are "Shiva in training" because the ultimate Aghora and the Aghoreshwara in this world is Lord Shiva himself. There is no extreme truth then the Lord Shiva himself. Since Aghora means going to an extreme of an extreme they are neither satwik, rajas or tamas. They do as they please. Nothing in this universe can bind Aghori unto anything unless its Shiva.

Secondly, Aghora and Vedanta have something in common. If Vedanta are Vedic then Aghora is tantric. Both have same philosophy. For Vedanta, they reject everything and only embrace the existence of "Brahman". (एकोहम ब्रह्म द्वितीयो नास्ति) which means "there is only Brahma and nothing else". Aghora is also the same. They only believe in the existence of Shiva the equivalent of "Brahman" in tantra. Aghora also believes in Shakti but for an Aghora Shakti and Shiva are one. They don't believe in the separate existence of both. Aghora and Vedanti are both non dual in nature.

Vedanti's they follow and embrace "neti neti"- Avadhuta geeta 1.25. "Neti Neti" means "not this not that". While enquiring Brahman or also the self, Vedanti's they differentiate the absolute with other impermanent thing is this universe. They will say "I am not this, i am not that", "I am not the body, I am not mind" and at the end they reach to the conclusion "Tatwa masi". (I am the tatwa). After contemplation of the "tatwamasi" then one day they realize "Aham Brahmashmi". "I am the Brahman". "I am non dual Brahman". It is the ultimate nonduality in the whole universe.

Aghoris are no different. But they are from tantric lineage. They believe in using tantra for their upliftment. It is the tantra that separates a Vedanti and Aghora. The act of Aghori dwelling in the cemetery(samshana) is tantra. They do it for a purpose. They reside in cemetery not because they are fond of the dead but they want to build dispassion as much as possible inside them. Samshana is the place where all passion ends. Death doesn't put an end to a persons body but the passion too. Aghora to bring dispassion, they reside in the samashana. It is in the samshana they practise their rituals and sadhanas. It literally means they perform rituals out of dispassion.

A vedanti would perform yagya and be a Brahmachari, they enquire into the self. They read the scriptures, chant mantras while Aghori they like Vedanti reject everything and only embrace the ultimate truth "Shiva". After some time the guru initiates them into "Shiv tatwa" and it is the path of "Tatwa masi" of the Vedantis. After the perfection of Shiv tatwa then one day they become the non dual Shiva which is equivalent to "Aham Brahmashmi".

The Vedanti and the Aghora in the purest sense are the same. Only their approach to the ultimate truth is different. One is vedic another is tantric. But both have some common gurus. For instance, Mahasiddha Dattatreya is both "Vedanti" and "Aghora". He initiated Aghori "Kinnaram" into the Aghora lineage while as his Avadhuta Geeta and the "Naga Sadhus" are the followers of his Vedic marga. 

Both Vedanti and Aghora meets at a point called "Mahasiddha Dattatreya". Both can trace their lineage into "Mahasiddha Dattatreya". Both Vedanti Shankaracharya and Aghori Kinnaram trace their lineages to Mahasiddha Dattatreya. It is His Holiness Mahasiddha Dattatreya who taught the Vedanti path to one sect and Aghora path to another sect.

That is for the reason there is no difference between Vedanti and Aghora. Both path have similar philosophy, leads to the same destination, both have common guru but the approaches is different.
His Holiness Mahasiddha Dattatreya is also the lineage guru of Kaulantak Peeth. For instance, Mahasiddha Dattatreya is the guru of Mahasiddha Balak Nath and Mahasiddha Nagarjuna who both are among 84 Siddhas. Mahasiddha Dattatreya is also one of the Yog gurus of both Mahasiddha Matsyendranath and Mahasiddha Gorakshnath. All of the Mahasiddha are from Kaulantak Peeth lineage.

His Holiness Kaulantak Peethadeshwara Mahayogi Satyendra Nath ji Maharaja is also from the lineage of Mahasiddha Dattatreya. His Holiness is also Aghoreshwara. He also has a Aghor guru which means he was initiated into Aghora lineage by one of the guru of Kaulantak sect and also from the Aghora lineage. It was His Holiness that initiated me into the Aghora sadhana. Whatever I write is the extension of his teachings. 


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