Introduction to the left hand path of tantra

The left hand path of god is one of the most interesting path. The left hand path is pure tantra. Unlike some worships that can be done through yoga and some symbolic representation of the Panchamakara, the left hand path tantra physically uses the "Panchamakara" for their worship.

The left hand path means the combined path of Bhoga and Moksha. The other path either believes in Bhoga or material enjoyments or the Moksha (spiritual emancipation). The vama marga or the left hand path first equips the worshiper with all the material benefits and after a certain level it gives "Bairagya". After Biragya then starts the path to the Moksha. Vama Marga leaves no stones unturned when it comes to the development of the worshiper. Vama marga overall develops the worshiper in every discipline from sex to samadhi, from bhog to moksha.

The left hand path today is in the brink of the extinction. People have started practising their own form of left hand path. There is too many arbitrariness in left hand path. People have started using "sex" in left hand tantra to satisfy their own inner lust. They have started taking intoxicants and liquors for their own addiction. In fact Left hand path of tantra seeks to transform all these into the development of the worshiper.

Through the right tantra, the wine can be turned into ambrosia, intaking fish can be used to control the senses, meat can be used to control ones own inner animal instinct. The left hand path if practiced under no superior guidance then the person is doomed to fail because wine can never become ambrosia if not for tantra as wine is an intoxicant. Meat is not good for spiritualism, the tantra knows how to transform it into the means of controlling our own animal instinct.

The left hand path is one good instrument for development if done under proper guidance and if not the quick easy to a downfall. It is like anti venom. The anti venom is a life saver when one is beaten by snake. But if one injects anti venom in their own body then the person will die. Similar is with the left hand path of tantra. It is the anti venom to all the material desires and negative emotions inside a human. But if it is not undertaken in a proper circumstances and guidance then it will degrade the sadhaka. The paramount importance is the guidance of guru in left hand path tantra.

The tantric lineage from which i am, Kaula lineage practises both right hand path and left hand path. We practice either right hand path or the left hand path based on our own temperament. The right hand path of tantra can be practiced by all but left hand tantra practice needs certain level which comes with time and practice.

I myself was initiated into the left hand path of tantra by His Holiness Kaulantak Peethadeshwar Mahayogi Satyendra Nath ji maharaja. He is the ocean when it comes to the knowledge of Left hand path of tantra. He only reveals it to the worthy sadhaks.


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