The first step to a spiritual mind-1

The first step to a spiritual mind is very simple. The only thing you need do is "let it go". Let it go is something so covet and subtle but its utility in spiritualism is of paramount importance. Let it go doesn't just mean the negative feelings, it also implies the good ones too. Let me elaborate a bit on how letting it go brings you success in sadhana.

Letting it go means being like the flat slopy land that do not hold any water. When a land doesn't hold water then there is always an influx and great supply of clean water. Hence, river are considered very pure because it represents dynamism. Had the land not let the water go, it would have been a pond and the pond weighs more then the river. The pond has to bear its own weight while as the river weight is always moving. It is kinetic in nature and when the land holds nothing the water do not hold and when it doesn't hold it is ever flowing.

A human mind is no different. When you hold unto the idea of achieving something through sadhana. When you hold unto many ideas, good and bad feelings then the mind has to bear its own weight. Instead when you let every emotions go, even the good ones then your mind comes into a tranquil state. The good feelings are nothing but a polar to the bad ones. The good feelings reminds a person about the bad feelings and the dark side, its polar opposite. When one makes his or her mind like a river where neither clean nor filthy water holds and its ever flowing, the mind letting go all its bad and good emotions like the water being let go from the source then amazing things start to happen.

It is then the mind is ready for the sadhana. Sadhana empties your mind and plants the seed of your desired result. Instead of sadhana empting your mind, a person should aspire to let everything go from inside to make the mind empty voluntarily and then the seeds of the desired fruit thus can be planted. The more empty the mind  is, the more perfection in the sadhana.

It is a very simple way but it is one wonderful way to do sadhana. I always used to do this naturally. I tried to keep my mind as empty as possibly. The results are astonishing. One should try it and then contemplate upon it. It surely is going to bring joy and happiness if one knows how to let everything go, be unattached and then perform a sadhana


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