Why do "pranprathista" of your yantra and idol?

Pranprathista means energizing. It means to invoke certain energies in any idol or in any yantra or in the medium of your worship. Idol and yantras are the means of worship. They are important upto a stage and after past particular stage one needs no rosary, idol and yantra for worship. Then the worshiper chants the mantra rigorously and after certain stage he/she doesn't chant the mantras, after that its all yoga for the worshiper.

Energizing and invoking energies is paramount important for any tantra sadhak. It is the basic of "upasana" means "to be near". If a person places a stone in front of him or her and then worship lord Shiva then it is not going to be fruitful because the mind doesn't associate the stone with lord Shiva. But when you place a stone and energize it as lord Shiva and put some tika and if you offer milk, water etc then it becomes Shivalinga and after certain amount of time, it becomes sacred place. The stone at point did not have any value because our mind didn't associate it with any energies or deities but after invoking and energising the stone becomes Lord Shiva.

After your mind associates the stone with lord Shiva and the sadhaks chants mantra then transformation begins to happen. The person then gets connected to the consciousness of lord Shiva and then the person gets transformed. Thereafter, the powers and attributes of lord Shiva then gets transferred to the sadhaka. It is oneness and when oneness happens miracles takes place.

The basis of all energizing and invoking is the human emotions. One should know that a human emotion turns a stone into Shivalinga and a Shivalinga into a stone. Such powerful is our own power of emotions. Energizing any idol and yantra is harnessing the power of our own emotions for our own development. It is tantra in itself and it works.

The prime example of use of human emotions and pranprathista can be deduced from the story of Eklavya and guru Dronacharya. Eklavya makes an idol of guru Dronacharya and then pays homage to the idol of Guru Dronacharya and worships it. He then practices the archery skills in front of the idol. He practices rigorously and after some time he becomes so proficient that he overtakes Arjuna as the great archer. He even gets the secretive knowledge of Guru Dronacharya.

Not a single day is past without Eklavya not practicing infront of the idol of his self proclaimed guru. Dronacharya had never met him nor accepted him as his disciple but Eklavya took all the knowledge from Dronacharya from unknown sources. It is the oneness of Eklavya with Dronacharya that all knowledge of guru Dronacharya got transferred to Eklavya.

In the case of Eklavya, his constant worship and treating the idol as Dronacharya got the idol energized and then upasana took place. He harnessed the power of emotions into the idol and then transformed his own life. Such power lies in pranprathista of the idol and yantra.

Therefore, it is prime importance for any sadhaka to energize and invoke the deities in any idol and yantra for desired result. 


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