Aghoris eating human flesh is false (cannibalism debunked)
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Misinterpretation of spiritual fact that Aghoris are cannibalistic. |
This is the second post about the Aghora philosophy. The first post of Aghora was explained with relevance to vedanta. Both have things in common which were outlined. Let me write to some myths about Aghora and if they have any degree of truth in them?
1) Aghori eats Human flesh.
If you have read my previous post on Aghora-1, you might as well conclude that the Aghora lineage has some big seers and saints. The tradition starts from Lord Shiva, the famous Aghoris were Lord Dattatreya who initiated Aghori Kinaram to this lineage. The Kinaram lineage is one authentic lineage of Aghora tradition that is predominant and prevalent in Indian subcontinent and the ashram of Aghori Kinaram is in Varanasi. His guru was none other then Mahasiddha Dattatreya.
Mahasiddha Dattatreya the pinnacle of wisdom of both Vedanti and the Aghora sect would not advocate any Aghori to be a cannibal. Aghoras have restriction upon nothing but this doesn't mean they start to do things which have no moral values and no utilities for them. Eating human flesh is something that is unimaginable and unthinkable. The very notion of cannibalism in the name of spiritualism is nothing but deviation from the truth.
There are two possible ways to explain the myth, "why do Aghoris eat human flesh?.
a) To defame Aghora sect and discourage sadhaks to pursue it.
b) Misinterpretation of spiritual and religious facts.
Let me explain you both.
a) To defame Aghora sect and discourage sadhaks to pursue it:
Aghora sect is the lineage of Vairagi and dispassion. Aghora means to go the extreme of the extreme. Since, Aghora are Shaivist they are more inclined to the destruction of their own self and they are extreme vairagis. Nothing in this world moves them besides Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is the only truth to them and everything beside Shiva is false.
Because they do not adhere to special rules and restrictions because of extreme dispassion, they are free from the society. This is outer freedom for them. After this, they tend to free themselves from "Eight inner traps" (अस्ट पाश) which are inner attributes like hate, doubt, fear, shame/shyness abhorrence, family, lineage and animal instinct. So to achieve the freedom from these eight inner traps they tend to leave their homes and then reside in cemetery. They then smear their body with ashes. They embrace the idea that their body will one day die and the cemetery is their body's destination.
Since, the Aghori's then move out of their homes and stay in cemetery which off course is not society friendly. The society then made false propaganda against Aghora sect so that people will not pursue it. No society has ever liked the idea of Aghora and No Aghora have ever liked the idea of settling in the society. The defamation of Aghora by the society was its own mechanism to save itself. Therefore, Aghoras were defamed to an extreme by claiming that the Aghora are cannibals, which offcourse is not true.
b) Misinterpretation of spiritual and religious facts.
No scriptures and religion are ever false. All religions and scriptures are designed for the betterment of human race. Religion is a tool to expand humanity. No religion ever says that one should be a cannibal, instead religion always protects the idea of humanity before human. The simple idea of cannibalism is misinterpreted fact. The Aghori's eat human flesh doesn't imply that they go to the cemetery and eat human flesh. The westerners have proofs of videos that they have recorded Aghoris eating human flesh in front of their cameras. They are nothing but fake people deprived of spiritualism who eat human flesh just for money.
The idea of eating human flesh is more like a eating ones oneself. We have special Bhairava in our spiritualism who is named "Kirtimukha" Bhairava. All Bhairavas are Aghori because the lord of all Aghori is Aghoreshwara Shiva himself and he himself is Bhairava. The "Kirtimukha Bhairava" ate his whole body and only his head with neck remained. That is why the "Kirtimukha Bhairava" is represented as Bhairava with only his head and in the expression of rage.
The whole idea of "Kirtimukha Bhairava" eating himself is not cannibalism. It is the fact that he through his penances, the Bhairava was able to win over his body and then transcend it. Every person has Ambrosia or Amrita in the Sahasrar Chakra. When a person activates the chakra, then the person can taste the Amrita and then be immortal. The Bhairava with only his head representation simply means he who has activated his Crown chakra and tasted the Amrita inside. Since, the amrita is not artificial but produced by the body therefore, being alive through the amrita is a way like dining on ones own self.
The whole idea of spiritualism cannibalism is also present in Christianity. Let me quote you a line
from John 6:51-58:
"I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world." 52 The Jews therefore quarreled among themselves, saying, "How can this Man give us His flesh to eat?" 53 Then Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. 54 "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 "For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. 56 "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. 57 "As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. 58 "This is the bread which came down from heaven; not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever."
Similar is with the Aghoris. For the Aghori's whoever eats his own human flesh and drinks his own blood in the form of Ambrosia or Amrita inside ones self, is bound to live forever. This is no cannibalism but a spiritual fact. The misinterpretation of the spiritual fact leads to stranger inference which is called Cannibalism.
I would want to sincerely be grateful to His Holiness Kaulanatak Peethadeshwara Mahayogi Satyendra Nath for guiding me through the spiritual wisdom. He also initiated me and many other in the lineage of Aghora.
Nice Post, Aghor Panth is more often then not misunderstood by most people, includings Sadhus cllaiming to be Aghoras.