Introduction of Siddha Yoga

Kaulantak Peethadeshwar Shree Mahayogi Satyendra Nath ji maharaj. The Siddha yogi Yoga is the ultimate spiritual discipline. It is the most popular and sought after discipline for human salvation. From Adi Natha to Gautam Buddha, from Vigyana Bhairava to Patanjali, Yoga has been the discipline that has guided all the Siddhas and Buddhas to reach the highest aim of human life. Yoga means union. To unite with the higher consciousness then the self is yoga. For a soul to unite with the super soul is Yoga. It also means to perform ones duty with excellence or mastery. "योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्" Geeta 2:50. Yoga for Lord Krishna is to be so proficient that the person performs his karma with excellence. Besides this there are lot of definition of Yoga, but the subject of the Astral Pathway is Siddha yoga. "Siddha Yoga" is the yogic discipline and lineage of the Siddha tradition of the Himalayas. It originated from the father of all Siddhas, "Shiva". Shiva gave the kno...