
Showing posts from November, 2017

Love and Gratitude are half spiritualism

Being grateful is the biggest virtue in the world. When you become grateful, your mind is in tranquility. The mind then holds unto nothing but unto the feeling of abundance. Being grateful is the best way to reshape the whole inner existence. Being grateful means appreciating everything that you have and everything around you. A person who complains and condemns is the most unhappy person in the world because it gives rise to negative emotions and the person knowingly or unknowingly is cultivating negative emotions inside them. Being grateful is the most positive energy that you can ever find in this whole universe. The word called LOVE is so powerful because the word itself is the ultimate height of "Gratitude". When you can take gratitude to an extreme it transforms into LOVE. "Love knows no bounds and no barriers". A person who loves something to an extreme is seldom worried about the desire of the whole gratitude and love. For instance, Jesus while he was crucif

The first step to a spiritual mind-1

The first step to a spiritual mind is very simple. The only thing you need do is "let it go". Let it go is something so covet and subtle but its utility in spiritualism is of paramount importance. Let it go doesn't just mean the negative feelings, it also implies the good ones too. Let me elaborate a bit on how letting it go brings you success in sadhana. Letting it go means being like the flat slopy land that do not hold any water. When a land doesn't hold water then there is always an influx and great supply of clean water. Hence, river are considered very pure because it represents dynamism. Had the land not let the water go, it would have been a pond and the pond weighs more then the river. The pond has to bear its own weight while as the river weight is always moving. It is kinetic in nature and when the land holds nothing the water do not hold and when it doesn't hold it is ever flowing. A human mind is no different. When you hold unto the idea of achieving

Aghora - i (Aghora and Vedanta are non dual)

Aghora means going to the extreme of an extreme. Aghora is a philosophy and a tantric lineage which mission is to turn a shava (body) into Shiva. Aghora are shaivaite, they are the ardent follower of lord Shiva or in simple terms they are "Shiva in training" because the ultimate Aghora and the Aghoreshwara in this world is Lord Shiva himself. There is no extreme truth then the Lord Shiva himself. Since Aghora means going to an extreme of an extreme they are neither satwik, rajas or tamas. They do as they please. Nothing in this universe can bind Aghori unto anything unless its Shiva. Secondly, Aghora and Vedanta have something in common. If Vedanta are Vedic then Aghora is tantric. Both have same philosophy. For Vedanta, they reject everything and only embrace the existence of "Brahman". ( एकोहम ब्रह्म  द्वितीयो नास्ति) w hich means "there is only Brahma and nothing else". Aghora is also the same. They only believe in the existence of Shiva the equivalent

Bhairava part -ii (Dogs and Bhairava)

Mahasiddha Dattatreya with dogs. Mahasiddha Dattatreya is also from the kaula tantric lineage. Bhairava is a fierce warrior god. The dogs are the vahana of Bhairava. To understand the attributes of Bhairava, one can decipher it by analyzing the traits and attributes of a dog. Let us first analyze some attributes and traits of a dog. Dog are humans best friend. Dogs are great companions and accomplices. They give a good company. It is very faithful towards its master. It barks to the whole world but it wags its tail to its master. The dog never barks to its master. Even if it does, it is non aggressive. No matter how much you beat it, how much you scold it, punish it, it always wags its tail to its master. For instance: In the American  film Hachi, the dog always accompanies its master Richard Gere to the train station and stays there until the master arrives and they return home. Oneday Richard Gere dies, he doesn't return the dog then waits on the train station and doesn't ret

Introduction to the left hand path of tantra

The left hand path of god is one of the most interesting path. The left hand path is pure tantra. Unlike some worships that can be done through yoga and some symbolic representation of the Panchamakara, the left hand path tantra physically uses the "Panchamakara" for their worship. The left hand path means the combined path of Bhoga and Moksha. The other path either believes in Bhoga or material enjoyments or the Moksha (spiritual emancipation). The vama marga or the left hand path first equips the worshiper with all the material benefits and after a certain level it gives "Bairagya". After Biragya then starts the path to the Moksha. Vama Marga leaves no stones unturned when it comes to the development of the worshiper. Vama marga overall develops the worshiper in every discipline from sex to samadhi, from bhog to moksha. The left hand path today is in the brink of the extinction. People have started practising their own form of left hand path. There is too many arb

Why do "pranprathista" of your yantra and idol?

Pranprathista means energizing. It means to invoke certain energies in any idol or in any yantra or in the medium of your worship. Idol and yantras are the means of worship. They are important upto a stage and after past particular stage one needs no rosary, idol and yantra for worship. Then the worshiper chants the mantra rigorously and after certain stage he/she doesn't chant the mantras, after that its all yoga for the worshiper. Energizing and invoking energies is paramount important for any tantra sadhak. It is the basic of "upasana" means "to be near". If a person places a stone in front of him or her and then worship lord Shiva then it is not going to be fruitful because the mind doesn't associate the stone with lord Shiva. But when you place a stone and energize it as lord Shiva and put some tika and if you offer milk, water etc then it becomes Shivalinga and after certain amount of time, it becomes sacred place. The stone at point did not have any v

Tantra explained through whatsapp

Tantra is the special procedure to perform any action for the desired and intended results. Tantra is the best decribed as "Technology". Just like a person in Kathmandu can talk to the person in any part of the world through "Whatsapp" due to the networking brilliance of modern day scientist, similarly tantra is the "whatsapp" application to connect with any gods in this universe to get a desired or intended results. In "Whatsapp" to connect to another person one needs to install the "whatsapp" in his/her mobile. He gets it activated. He then acquires the whatsapp number of the required  person. Then through the whatsapp number, the person can be texted and contacted. If the person replies the two people then can have conversation as per their convenience. "Whatsapp" is an application and it is the outcome of mobile and internet technology. It has revolutionized the whole networking communication technology. Like "Whatsap