Love and Gratitude are half spiritualism

Being grateful is the biggest virtue in the world. When you become grateful, your mind is in tranquility. The mind then holds unto nothing but unto the feeling of abundance. Being grateful is the best way to reshape the whole inner existence. Being grateful means appreciating everything that you have and everything around you. A person who complains and condemns is the most unhappy person in the world because it gives rise to negative emotions and the person knowingly or unknowingly is cultivating negative emotions inside them. Being grateful is the most positive energy that you can ever find in this whole universe. The word called LOVE is so powerful because the word itself is the ultimate height of "Gratitude". When you can take gratitude to an extreme it transforms into LOVE. "Love knows no bounds and no barriers". A person who loves something to an extreme is seldom worried about the desire of the whole gratitude and love. For instance, Jesus while he was crucif...