
Showing posts from October, 2017

Being voted "top 20 hindu blog" by feedspot

It was my immense privilege to have been bestowed with the title of "Top 20 Hindu blog" by feedspot. I received an email which is shown above. I am also allowed to use the "badge" in my website by feedspot which is presented at the right side of the screen. If you were to view my blog, the badge is presented at the top right side of the blog. I wish to thank you all for making this blog. I only write the blog it is the readers that adds soul to the blog. Thanking you all again. I would also like to pay homage to His Holiness Kaulanatak Peethadeshwar Mahayogi Satyendra Nath Ji Maharaj who was very merciful and he who left no stone unturned to teach me the eternal wisdom of the Sanatana. 

Hinduism is the religion of peace.

Lord Rama the epitome of Dharma Hinduism is the religion of peace. The history of India is the living proof how India has been tolerant to other faiths. India got itself divided based on two nation theory of "Hindu" and "Muslim", yet it harbors more Muslims then Pakistan harbors "Islam". Is Pakistan predominantly a Muslim country as tolerant as India? We all know the answers. Silence is the intelligence. I have a real life story to illustrate why "Hinduism" is the religion of peace. One fine day when i was returning from Delhi to Kathmandu, I was caught in the boredom of the sleeper class of the train. I had to travel from Delhi to Raxaul on a train and then catch a bus from Birgunj border to Kathmandu. I was travelling in a sleeper class because that was the only ticket I and one of my colleague finally managed to get it in the 11th hour. Had he not traveled with me I would have been choked to death by boredom. In an Indian train, there are lot

Dog Worship festival in Nepal

Kukur Tihar, the festival were dogs are worshiped and honored. Every year on the month of Kartik, when there is festive seasons for the Indians, we Nepali celebrate Deewali as Deepawali and we call it "Tihar". The Tihar has five days which starts with worship of crows and then worship of dogs, worship of Mahalaxmi and then Govardhana Puja and then the Tihar concludes on Bhaiya dhuj or popularly in Nepal, "Bhaitika" The five days series of the festivals falls under the period of "Panchak" meaning five times. When the moon passes through the series of five nakshetra then Panchak takes place. The Panchak or five days is celebrated as the festive season. The first day starts with crow worship and the second day is the Dog worship. The Dog worship day takes places in the auspicious day of "NARKA CHATURDASHI". In this day, Bhairava is extensively worshiped. Narka means the pinnacle of tamas. It is in this day, the tamas form of deity are worshiped. Dei

Chath festival and worship of Sun god.

Chath is one of the most important festivals celebrated by the Hindus. It is the worship of Sun god. In Nepal, the Chath festival is predominantly popular and celebrated by the Madheshi sect. The Madhesi sect bears close resemblance with the Uttar Pradesh and Bihar culture because they are the border states with Nepal. It is for the reason there is cultural exchange between two countries which makes the friendship bond even more stronger. The Nepalese and Indian people are united by one similar culture and lifestyle and that is Hinduism and Buddhism. Every year when the Deewali ends and after four days past the Deewali, Chhat festival is celebrated. It is also the time when the winter formally starts in Indian subcontinent. It starts to get cold or in pure sense it is the start of the winter. The hardcore winter will then follow in the days to come and in Makar Sankranti, the cold hits the saturation point. Now the question arises, "Why is the Sun god worshiped in Chath?". Is

Bhairava - part i

Bhairava is depicted in the anger mode. It merely means Bhairava is epitome of Masculinity. The real meaning of Bhairava is a mystery in itself. Bhairava is like a marriage of many attributes and virtues and it cannot be confined in any single word. Mark Twain once family said "Marriage is not a word but a sentence". Like Mark Twain, for me, "Bhairava is not a word but a long never ending sentence". I have termed it as "never ending sentence" because a Bhairava is infinite when the true meaning of Bhairava is realized and Bhairava when viewed through the perception of the physicality becomes a tantra practicioner. Bhairava etymologically would mean (Bhaya + rava), which literally means which dispels the fear inherent in a human. Bhairava is someone who controls and has mastered all types of fear in his inner world. Only when the inner fears are won, the light is spread inside. The outer world is the reflection of the inner world. The more illumine the inne

Deewali or Deepawali needs celebration.

Deewali is the most happening festival for the Hindus. It is such happening that it is termed as festive season in the economic market. Right from Dhanteras to Bhaiya Dhooj. In Nepal, Dewali is called Deepavali which literally means the same and is popularly known as Tihar in common language. Tihar starts with the worship of Pitri (deceased soul) of the ancestor. They worship crow because crow is believed to be the messenger of the Pitris. Then, the dogs are worshipped in Narka chaturdashi right before the day of the Laxmi Pooja or the main day of the Deewali. The dogs are woshipped because the dogs are the vahanas of the Bhairava. The Bhairavas annihilates every sins of a human and they are prayed and worshipped for the protection. The main day Deewali is the no moon day/night i.e the no moon night and on the night of deewali extensively Goddess Laxmi is worshipped for the attainment of luxury, prosperity, abundance and wealth. The Laxmi pooja is done at the night time when the enviro

The need for celebrating festival

Festivals are the soul of Hinduism. Without festivals Hinduism is incomplete. Festivals are occassion where we rejoice. We exist and we are grateful for whatever happened and how the acts of past generation have made an impact on us. So, we rejoice and celebrate festivals. Celebrating festivals is one of the most best way to be grateful to the existence. Festivals also has great economic value. It is in festivals people spend freely. As in Dhanteras people freely spend and buy golds and vehicles. Some people even make investment in the share market on this particular day. Because of people spending in festivals, lot of people get employed and make money. For instance, in Laxmi pooja the mud lamp is sold extensively. People buy the mud lamps. The potter along with the wholeseller to the transporter all get jobs just by you people celebrating Laxmi Pooja. Festivals are also the time where money can be spent and regulated in the market more efficiently. The more people spend the more prof

The need for worshiping gods and goddess

We Hindus are very liberal in our thoughts and very open when it comes to worshiping gods and goddesses. We are liberal because we worship many gods and we have no problem when other people worship other god then ours. Respect to one god is respect to all. Without the worship of gods, Hinduism is incomplete. Worshiping gods somehow is  a spiritual contract theory. It is a spiritual contract because we worship the gods in the hope that the gods protect us. Just like in democracy, we vote to be governed similarly in spiritualism we worship god for the betterment of our own lives and to to internally develop oneself. There are countless reasons for worshiping gods and goddess. Some vital concepts i shall explain below: Worshiping gods and goddess is just like installing a software inside us. If we compare ourselves with a computer then the our brain would be the CPU and the programs are installed for carrying out utility services. For instance, Avast antivirus is installed in one's co


Mahakali is the goddess which every tantric fraternity knows. A tantric who knows not What Mahakali is, he/she has then missed the vital aspect of the whole tantra itself. Basically the whole tantra is divided into Shiva/Shakti, 10 mahavidyas, 64 yoginis, asta matrika and other gods and goddesses. Mahakali is the top most mahavidya. She is the eldest Mahavidya out of all 10 mahavidyas. Her Shiva is Mahakala. The shakti of Mahakala is Mahakali herself. She is such revered because she is even more powerful then Mahakala himself. There is the famous picture depicted where She stands on top of Mahakala. Symbolically, if we were to separate the shakti aspect from the Mahakala Shiva, he becomes Shava. Mahakali is the life of Shiva. Secondly, Shiva is the ultimate lord. He resides in every one in the form of tatwa, known as "Shiv tatwa". She is ultimate goddess who can destroy the Shiva tatwa too. She is of such great power. Even Shiva is helpless infront of her. Lets have a more de

Hindu cremation vs other cremation styles

Hindu cremation is simple, it is done through fire. The body is burnt till it turns ashes. The remanents of the body is called asthi. The asthi is collected and released in the holy waters. It is believed that the holy waters shall liberate the deceased soul. This understanding can be attributed to the story of King Bhagirath who liberated all the souls of his deceased ancestors by bringing the Ganges from heaven to the earth through lord Shiva. The Ganga river flows and reaches the hermitage of Mahasiddha Kapila muni who had cursed the king's ancestor to be burnt till ashes. The Ganga river then sweeps and sways the ashes and the ancestors of King Bhagirath is then liberated. Basically it was due to Mahasiddha Kapilmuni, the cremation of releasing the ashes on the holy river is practiced. It is believed that when the asthi is released in the holy water the deceased soul gets liberated. That is for the reason this tradition has been practiced for pure liberation of the deceased sou